Hendrik Zwart Cartoons and Animation
In 1943, Henk joined one of the first animation firms in Europe. He created many classic animated cartoons throughout his life. This page highlights some of Henk's cartoon and animation career.
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Henk and Nerida Zwart created the Bobobobs, which was later adapted into an animated series.
Set in the distant past, the plot revolves around a group of nomadic miniature humanoids known as the Bobobobs, who live in a part of the universe far away from the Earth. One crew of these Bobobobs, led by Bob Wouter, the captain, sets sail in the Bobular Quest, their spaceship, described as a "galleon with a protective dome". They head towards Earth where they plan to save the humans from being terrorized by dinosaurs. Along the way they encounter a variety of different alien species, some of which are hostile, and use their psychic powers, such as their ability to become invisible and to teleport, to aid them. (Credit: IMDb anonymous)
Set in the distant past, the plot revolves around a group of nomadic miniature humanoids known as the Bobobobs, who live in a part of the universe far away from the Earth. One crew of these Bobobobs, led by Bob Wouter, the captain, sets sail in the Bobular Quest, their spaceship, described as a "galleon with a protective dome". They head towards Earth where they plan to save the humans from being terrorized by dinosaurs. Along the way they encounter a variety of different alien species, some of which are hostile, and use their psychic powers, such as their ability to become invisible and to teleport, to aid them. (Credit: IMDb anonymous)
Above: An original drawing of the Bobobobs by Hendrik and Nerida Zwart

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Above: Youtube link to full series of the Bobobobs.
Fokkie Flink
Circa 1945, Henk illustrated the the popular Uit het veelbewogen leven van Fokkie Flink ("From the Eventful Life of Fokkie Flink the great sleuth") series (Dutch). Further information about Fokkie Flink is available through lambiek.net.
Ome Keesje
Circa 1948, Henk illustrated the popular Ome Keesje De Reis naar de Maan ("Uncle Keesje Journey to the Moon") series (Dutch). Further information is available through lambiek.net.
Jan Lak
In his early career, Henk illustrated the Jan Lak en andere berhalen (Jan Lak and Other Stories) series (Dutch).
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